When using heavier projectiles in your barrel sometimes the stock detents aren't quite strong enough to keep your projectiles in place.
We've designed a stronger detent that will fix this problem. Our custom detents are made out of chemically resistant TPU. Whilst flexible they are noticeably stiffer than the stock detents and as such are able to hold projectiles in place so they don't unexpectedly roll out of your barrel.
They come in a pack of 2
I accept no liability for injuries caused by the use of this product. You use it at your own risk.
These items are made in the United Kingdom. If ordering from outside of Europe you may have to pay a customs charge for your respective country. Each country is different depending on the customs laws. All items are shipped under the HS customs code 3926400090.
By continuing to order you are agreeing to pay any additonal customs fee's that may arrise.